All over the internet, you will find medical questions being asked about pretty much everything. Yet there is no better outlet to find some of the most unique medical questions than Reddit. They have questions about pretty much everything from animal and plant biology to human anatomy and much more. We decided it would be pretty awesome to gather up some of the best human anatomy questions on Reddit and display them here. We also plan to give you the most popular answer that Reddit users voted for, as well as our take on the matter. Don’t worry, we’ll mark them in bold so you know which is which.
Since some of these answers can be quite massive (human anatomy is a big thing to explain), we did cut some down to display the main points the person gave. We’re also going to link you to the person who answered the question, so be sure to go to their profile and tell them that Science Sensei sent you! That said, let’s get started on our list of important questions about human anatomy, according to Reddit.
Why Can Your Body Have “Sleep Debt,” But Not A “Sleep Surplus?”

adp1314: Your brain is like a trash can. Throughout the day it fills up with garbage, and at night that garbage is slowly removed. If you don’t get enough sleep, only some of the garbage gets taken out. Over time, it builds up until your can is almost always full. A full can is bad and makes you fall asleep or hallucinate. However, if you sleep lots and lots, your trash-can can’t get under 0% full. It will always only hold a certain amount of garbage.

SS: Sleep is important to our bodies for numerous reasons, but the main reason is the health of our brain and body overall. If one lacks sleep, they will end up having issues such as hallucinations. Yet those can happen for other specific reasons beyond sleep. Since your brain needs sleep to function properly, specific areas of the brain will be affected. That is what brings a lot of symptoms along. You cannot have a sleep surplus because a surplus would be like having a remainder amount that you can store. But brains do not work like that. You need sleep daily, and sleep hours cannot be stored for later.