Mindblowing Facts About The Deep Ocean Most People Don’t Know

Humans have been fascinated by the ocean for as long as we’ve existed. Yet, even... Aisha Abdullah - February 10, 2023

Times Celebrities Pushed Dangerously Bad Science

While it is true that some conspiracy theories have turned out to be true, around... Joe Burgett - October 31, 2022

Why Orcas are the Scariest Predator in the Sea

Orcas, or killer whales, are one of the most recognizable aquatic mammals in the world.... Trista - April 21, 2022

Science Headlines Most People Probably Missed

Each and every single day, we hear a lot of news. It can be so... Joe Burgett - January 15, 2021

29 Sea Creatures with Superpower-Like Abilities

The Earth’s oceans are less explored than the vastness of space. We know what’s out... Trista - September 14, 2020

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely See

It has been suggested that we know more about deep space than we know about... Trista - June 25, 2020
