Recently, the American Government has been quite vocal about UFOs. For many many years, they as well as many other governments have been silent on the issue. Why? Potentially, to keep the peace. UFOs tend to make people assume aliens have landed on Earth, something governments might ideally want to hide. But this latest UFO news tells another tale. That they want us to discuss UFOs more, with the idea likely being that it would be much harder to hide their existence in this era.
It is an era of camera phones and equipment that can take high-resolution images and videos. Then upload them online for the world to see within seconds. It is smarter to make people aware that these UFO legends are not fake or untrue. Although some might be, many are not. The only question is, how many have been true that have been covered up? Of course, UFOs are simply “unidentified flying objects.” The presence of them does not technically mean “aliens.” Then again, no one is definitively saying that extraterrestrials do not exist. Let’s dive into all of this right now!
The Big Story

The big story everyone is talking about is what will happen in June 2021. The United States Congress has essentially been wanting the intelligence community to be more open with what they are doing. Issues like this have happened with the Central Intelligence Agency in the past, considering they are run by the executive branch over the legislative. We have covered issues surrounding that area of the government many times on Science Sensei too.

However, it is not just the CIA but also the Armed Forces, FBI, and numerous other intelligence agencies that seem to skate by Congress without input. As a result, this June, these intelligence agencies will be delivering a report specifically about “unidentified aerial phenomena.” While it might not say the word UFO, that is exactly what they are going to be discussing. This now unclassified report, formed by the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of Defense, will make everything the Pentagon knows about UFOs so far 100% public.