Sometimes, things just do not sound right. Like, if we told you that 2 + 2 = 4, you’d buy it. But if we told you that Koala and human fingerprints are so similar not even microscopes can tell the difference, you’d think that was crazy. Yet in spite of that, this is 100% true, as odd as it sounds. We get it though, some stuff just seems too crazy to be true. However, there are a lot of scientific facts that come off like this.
In fact, some of the most amazing scientific facts tend to sound fake just due to the wild nature behind them. Such as the fact that if sound existed in space, the Sun would be so loud that Mercury’s entire planetary surface would be reshaped. But this too is true. We felt it would be good to discuss more crazy scientific facts just like the ones we just mentioned, and bring context to them too. That said, let’s get started!

Diamonds Are A Universe’s Best Friend
While some believe diamonds are rare, they’re really not. In fact, the reason diamond jewelry costs so much to buy is due to one company owning most of the diamond mines on Earth. Thus, they set the price extremely high. Yet their monopoly won’t last once Earthlings are able to go into space mining. Some asteroids contain them, yet on some planets, it literally rains diamonds quite often.
In fact, this happens on Saturn and Jupiter all the time. Even Uranus and Neptune see large pockets of methane that produce diamonds frequently. There are even some planets out there that are almost completely diamond. One of the most famous for this is 55 Cancri e, which astronomers discovered in 2004. Some scientists are even under the impression that diamonds became the first mineral formed in space. It’s probably time NASA invests in space diamond mining already.