For all of the hype that has surrounded the newest addition to the Marvel Comic Universe franchise, the film Eternals has really garnered a lot of mixed criticism from critics and viewers alike. Chloe Zhao directed the film and featured a brand-new lineup of ten superheroes. They have an epic mission to accomplish in order to save the human race basically. The film begins thousands of years ago. Yes, it introduces and describes all the new superheroes. However, this movie also attempts to keep up with quite an ambitious plotline along the way. There have been many mixed reviews expressed about the quality of the film and how satisfied viewers were after watching it. Read on for 20 reasons why people actually disliked the film Eternals. Please, keep in mind this is not a personal review. Instead, it is a researched article about the various critiques of the movie that are already widespread across the industry.
21. Eternals Fails to Live Up to Its Potential

One of the loudest criticisms about the film Eternals is that it did not live up to its hype or potential (via CNBC). Many viewers and critics alike were excited about the new Marvel Comic Universe film and anxiously awaited the release. However, after many people watched the movie for themselves, they quickly verbalized what a “let-down” the movie was. It introduced so much content, but it did little to actually follow through on any explanation of many aspects of the film (via Screen Rant). Much criticism came in the form of what seemed like director Chloe Zhao being too obsessed in the ways she tried to cover too much of a timeline. Not only that, but she was overly anxious and ambitious to introduce and play out a plotline that included so many characters in the form of superheroes. The film had a seemingly grandiose, over-complicated plot sequence.