The Star Wars Universe is beloved by millions of people all over the world. While this entire universe, created by George Lucas, is completely fiction, there are some facts! Scientifically, Lucas was correct on a lot of things he utilized. Of course, some of the ideas at the time were actually far-fetched. Yet over 40 years later, some of his concepts turned out to be possible and we’ve even proven it. Yet other stuff Lucas came up with is simply not possible at all and never will be.
The first film came out in 1977, so we can assume George began writing the first movie between 1970 to 1975. This is why we have to give him a slight pass on some stuff. Sure, other things were knowingly wrong even in the 1970s. However, Lucas is not a scientist either. We must applaud him for using real-world science in many areas, even if he didn’t know it. We know this is a lot to think about, so we’re going to scientifically break down a lot of the Star Wars Universe for you right here, right now.
Light Speed

The Star Wars Universe often uses the term “light speed.” This is a real term that was coined by Star Wars but is often used among real astronomers and astrophysicists. George Lucas essentially meant “speed of light” when he used “light speed.” Of course, in his universe, the measure of speed is used in transportation. However, right now, it is simply impossible for a human being to move at the speed of light. We do not have the technology that can go this speed outside of light sources.

The real issue might not be the speed but the object that carries us at the speed of light. The fastest we’ve ever gone in a man-made vehicle was 24,816.1 mph. This speed was hit by the Apollo 10 command module carrying astronauts Colonel Thomas Patten Stafford, Captain Eugene Andrew Cernan, and Captain John Watts Young. Just so you’re aware, the speed of light is equal to 186,000 miles per second or 669,600,000 miles per hour. Needless to say, humans reaching this speed is hard to fathom.