We’ve all felt that chill in the air, or unexplained goosebumps when you feel like you’re being watched. But most of the time we think of these creepy places as being an abandoned building or a misty graveyard. But what happens when it’s some of the most bustling places in society? This is exactly the case for this list of haunted locations. Schools, universities, and hospitals are some of the most bustling places you can be. But it seems as though the living aren’t the only ones frequenting these public spaces. Here are the most haunted schools, universities and more around the world. With ghost basketball teams, evil spirits that open and close doors, ghosts dressed in white gowns playing their favorite songs on the pipe organ, and ghosts that suffered horrible medical procedures during their life on earth, these schools are more than creepy.
University Of Maryland

The University of Maryland is one of the most haunted schools in the world. Built in 1812, the most haunted building is Rossborough Inn. It’s also the oldest building on campus. It was previously the headquarters for Confederate Army General Johnson. It’s said that Miss Bettie, a nurse who used to work at the inn, still haunts its corridors. Several people have spotted her ghost wandering around the building.

In 1981, dining service worker Larry Donnelly spotted a ghost. Several weeks later, someone else saw the same ghost. It seems that Miss Bettie is accountable for many different sightings, and she’s also known for random vases and flowers appearing on their own, turning lights on and off, and opening and closing doors. She sounds like she wants to continue her housekeeping job even in the afterlife. People also hear footsteps and see faces in windows. But that’s not all. Marie Mount Hall is also haunted. The ghost of Marie Mount plays the piano on a stormy night. Lastly, Alma Preinkert, who was stabbed to death at her sorority house Kappa Delta in 1954, is said to haunt the sorority house, and you may see her ghost in a white dress dance around the deck in summertime (The Odyssey Online).