There is one thing that often bothers most of us in the scientific field about Elon Musk. While many of us love that he has invested in aerospace ventures and electric vehicles, the issue is that people assume he’s behind everything. Musk is scientifically literate, which is not a bad thing at all. However, it makes him come across as an inventor or developer. In reality, he is neither of those things and is mostly a rich man who invested in the right things at the right time. Of course, Musk is a complicated man that has become a controversial figure. Take the recent Twitter debacle for example.
As the owner of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, Musk has been part of some pretty revolutionary scientific breakthroughs in space and vehicle design. Yet what gets lost in all of this is that Musk is often given all of the credit for every invention and development. Some assume he is similar to Steve Jobs in that, he comes up with ideas and others make the ideas work. However, Musk cannot even be compared to Jobs either. A lot of the things he is credited for were concepts others came up with. He might have “Chief Engineer” or “Product Architect” in his title, but neither is true. Therefore, we wanted to highlight the true people that actually deserve credit.

Glaring Holes In Elon Musk’s “Invention” History
While we normally only have to do a little research to write about scientific innovations, history, and other material… this article forced us to dig quite a lot into Elon Musk and his past. We do not like to call people out for screwing others over, and we did not want to do some investigational hit piece. However, our research led us down a rabbit hole that uncovered some incredible results. Throughout our research, we came across inventors truly behind a lot of what you might see currently at Tesla, Inc. or SpaceX. Some assumed it was all Elon behind these things due to his “Chief Engineer” or “Product Architect” status.