Observing an animal in its natural habitat is not something many people get to experience. But for the animals in this list… well, we’re feeling pretty fortunate that we haven’t encountered these. But there’s a thrill to be had by experiencing danger at a safe distance.
Many of the animals you’ll find here carry a poisonous, deadly toxin, while other animals are aggressive, and vicious, and will attack when they feel threatened. If you’re on land, it’s always a good idea to stay away from these aggressive animals, like the hippopotamus and cape buffalo. If you’re in tropical ocean climates, make sure you’re careful where you’re stepping, to avoid dangerous animals like the stonefish or moray eel. It’s always better safe than sorry.

Black Mamba
You’ll find the Black Mamba in South and East Africa. Even though it’s not the most poisonous snake out there, it’s one of the most dangerous animals in the world. It’s fast, aggressive, and will catch you by surprise if you’re not expecting it. If it feels threatened, it will chase you. It can slither up to 12.5 miles per hour. Because it’s so fast, it’s nearly impossible to escape this predator, unless you can sprint very fast, for a long period. If it bites you, it’s likely you’ll die, since its venom can kill up to ten people. That’s a lot of toxins. If it does bite you, you’ll have only twenty minutes to receive an anti-venom before the toxins take over your entire body and bring you closer to death.

It can be up to 8 feet in length, beating the average man’s height by a couple of feet. It has a light underside and a gray or dark brown color. It’s called the Black Mamba because the inside of its mouth is black. In Africa, you’ll find this snake in lowland forests and the savannah, so it’s best to avoid these areas if you do happen to travel through Africa. What’s even more fascinating is that it can lay up to 20 eggs, which means it’s unlikely for these snakes to become extinct anytime soon (Flamingoof).