Whenever we see trash on the street, it’s heartbreaking. Discovering a bunch of trash that someone carelessly tossed onto the side of the road proves there are some people out there who need to learn a thing or two about recycling. Usually, we end up picking up the trash and placing it into a nearby garbage bin. Unfortunately, many areas of the world do not have access to recycling centers or garbage disposals. The trash in the most polluted areas of the world piles up so much that it’s becoming a public health hazard. Trash accumulates quicker than their societies can deal with it, resulting in an incredibly sad scenario.
Additionally, trash isn’t the only problem. Air pollution and waterway pollution are two other factors involved in the most polluted areas of the world. This is where citizens are suffering major health problems from breathing in toxic air or consuming toxic water. These problems are spiraling out of control, and countries around the world are having trouble controlling the pollution problem. Hopefully one day, these countries will use simple green hacks to help control waste.

Luanda, Ghana
In some areas of Ghana, such as the capital Luanda, garbage is piling up faster than the government can deal with. Local authorities admitted they ran out of funds to pay the people collecting garbage, which means there is a major problem. If there’s no money to pay workers, the workers are not going to work. It’s a never-ending spiral that leads to an unsolvable problem. Now, when people throw their trash away, it ends up accumulating, with nowhere to go.

The only solution to this would be to raise funds to pay the garbage collectors or somehow tell people to stop creating waste. It’s impossible. Residents also fear that the unsanitary conditions will aid in the spread of yellow fever. To try and fight the waste problem, the governor announced the creation of an “urban command post.” Furthermore, if the waste pileup continues, he may need to declare a “sanitary catastrophe” because of the horrendous conditions. Unfortunately, this is just one city in the county of Ghana that’s seeing a pollution problem (Observers).