Whenever we see a cute animal, we immediately think they’re friendly. We may even approach them or try and get a selfie with them. But it’s important to remember that animals are still animals, which means they’re prone to sudden reactions and attacks. You might not believe that a cow, giraffe, swan, or otter could be aggressive, but think again. We’ve compiled a list of animals that are much more dangerous than you previously thought. Next time you see that cow grazing in an open field, you might not want to approach it. Even though animals may seem comedic, they have a dark side to them.=-

According to the CDC findings by the Washington Post, up to 20 people per year suffer from death by cow. Looking at a friendly, placid cow standing in a field of grass bothering no one makes it hard to believe these animals are dangerous. They’re much more dangerous than you thought, and with a powerful kick to the chest or a nervous stampede, cows can be fatal. Even though these gentle farm animals usually stay gentle and friendly, it’s the times they’re spooked that they turn aggressive. Because they’re so much larger than humans and weigh several hundred pounds, one wrong kick and we’re dead (via Best Life Online).