The Most Toxic Personality Traits And Why They Affect Us

When you see the term “toxic person,” it is possible that a million thoughts rush... Joe Burgett - October 25, 2021

The Science behind the Countries With The Longest Life Expectancies

We all want to live a long life that builds upon itself with great accomplishments.... Joe Burgett - October 14, 2021

A Guide on How To Vanish From The Internet

We get it, you don’t want to exist in the digital world any longer. Who... Joe Burgett - October 12, 2021

Incredibly Unlucky People Who Broke Some Very Expensive Objects

As Hannah Montana once said, “Everybody makes mistakes; everybody has those days, nobody’s perfect.” Mistake... James Loftus - October 8, 2021

40+ Funny Insults Directed at Celebrities

Indeed, a substantial number of individuals within the realm of Hollywood have amassed considerable wealth,... James Loftus - October 3, 2021

Popular Playstation Games and DLCs Releasing in 2021

The 2020 COVID Pandemic did not just affect random people like us. Rather, it affected... Joe Burgett - August 12, 2021
