Evolution is something that might not seem very complicated at first glance. Yet it is somehow always misinterpreted or messed up in explanation. We feel that this is a huge problem, so we wanted to make sure to explain it correctly to you. We want to remove any consistently mistaken material on the matter, which will allow you to truly understand Evolution. The goal for us is to teach you not just about evolution itself but also about what causes it. We’ll also break down what evolution leads to and why it is so important.
We feel this is key to explaining it, as you may very well be unaware of some of this. It could also be that you were told things that you’re unsure about and you want to confirm something or forget about it. Regardless of the reasoning, we’re glad you’re here to check this article out. We will not be using any crazy language nor will we just leave you with hard to comprehend science. Instead, we’ll break down every single complicated part of Evolution worth your time. By the end of it all, you could likely tell a 5-year-old about Evolution and he or she could accurately tell others. With that said, let’s get started!
Charles Darwin and Darwinism

While Evolution is our main subject, it would feel wrong to start off an article about this and not include Charles Darwin and Darwinism. The main idea of Darwinism is that every species of the organism will arise and develop through a form of natural selection. In order to survive, they will need to be able to compete for food, reproduce to add the next generation, and much more.
The idea Darwin had with this was not really disputable. It is clear that one needs to be able to survive, which means the development of key traits will allow one to do this. He explained all of this in his book “On the Origin of Species,” which was published in 1859. His theories were not so much theory any longer but rather, scientific fact. Darwin also mentioned some incredibly broad ideas regarding the transmutation of species or “evolution.”