The Lies Surrounding Ancient Aliens and Why It Isn’t Real Science

Have you seen the television series Ancient Aliens? The show began airing on The History... Trista - March 24, 2020

New CGI Technology Reveals What Historical Figures Actually Looked Like

You have a favorite historical figure, such as St. Nicholas or King Tutankhamun, that you... Trista - January 23, 2020

6,000-Year-Old Chewing Gum Proves Ancient Existence of Young Girl

Chewing gum: you simply cannot go anywhere these days without finding someone chomping down on... Trista - January 17, 2020

Terrifying Unicorn-Like Creatures Used to Exist

The modern rhino is what is left of the ancient beast we would today consider... Trista - November 14, 2019

40 Dinosaurs Discovered in North America

Did you know that numerous species of dinosaurs have been found in North America? A... Trista - August 17, 2019

DNA Reveals the Origins of the Ancient Philistines

The ancient people referred to as the Philistines have long been an enigma. Not much... Trista - July 17, 2019
