We know what you’re thinking. Governments experimenting on their own people? That is just science fiction, and could never be real-life. Contrary to what some might want to believe, several governments have done this. In fact, several governments conducted experiments on their own people more than they have on enemies of the state. This goes back to ancient times too when places like Greece and China used to experiment on prisoners. Most of which were citizens of their nation.
It’s a bit odd to consider for many. Why would governments want to do this? Moreover, why would they choose to do extreme testing that could be a huge issue for those in their nation? It would only result in population decline. While many nations have conducted experiments on their own, we will mostly be discussing America. The reason for this is specifically due to the Freedom of Information Act, which allows Americans to know about past government exploits. Let’s discuss these government experiments!
Dietary Deficiencies With Racial Ties

Year(s) Conducted: Mid-1930s
Nation Involved: The United States of America
America has a dark past, filled with terrible actions against African-American men and women. However, one issue that might bother many is both their inaction and idiotic reaction to things. This specifically has to do with something known as “Pellagra,” a dietary deficiency. It often affects poverty-stricken areas, but in America, it often affected black populations. This was due to the high level of poverty they experienced in the early 1900s. Dr. Joseph Goldberger, a physician in the U.S. government’s Hygienic Laboratory, discovered how it kept killing off many people across the nation.

However, it specifically seemed to happen a lot in Southern Black people. He was able to connect poverty and lack of proper nutrition to the ordeal. Yet the U.S. chose not to act for more than 20 years, finally deciding to act on the issue in the 1930s. The Public Health Service even admitted they knew of the disease and just chose not to do anything. Many feel the reasoning for this was to test how it affected people, as well as if it could spread into white populations. It finally began to do so, which could be why the nation finally chose to curb the disease.