People tend to believe whatever they hear, especially when it sounds like something that’s backed by science. That’s how the Flat Earth theory and other conspiracies became some of the most talked about topics in the world. But thanks to the users of Reddit, we’re seeing tons of these popular science myths debunked by actual science. What would we do without the world of Reddit? We’d probably still believe that we can’t swim after we eat, that we only use 10% of our brain, and that coffee can sober us up.
Many of these false stories spread through circular reporting. The more people talk about and believe it in, the faster it spreads, until suddenly, everyone in the world believes false information. Unless it’s backed by science, it’s probably false. If you were set on believing one of these theories, it’s time you change your mind and start looking at real scientific facts backed by actual experiments.
Gum Doesn’t Stay In Your System For Seven Years

How often have you heard that swallowed gum stays in your stomach for seven years? Probably too many to count. That piece of gum you swallowed five years ago isn’t still in your system. Your stomach lining doesn’t absorb the ulcer. Your body processes it just as it processes every other type of food, though it’s more difficult to digest than normal food. According to Dr. McGreal, “the gum base is insoluble, just like the fiber base of raw vegetables, corn, popcorn kernels, and seeds. Our bodies do not possess digestive enzymes to specifically break down gum base.” He has yet to see gum still in the system from seven years ago, luckily debunking this popular science myth we learned when we were children. Even in the most extreme cases, like someone with a paralyzed stomach, gum still wouldn’t lodge itself into the stomach for seven years (Ultron888).