We all have both a mother and father that gave us life. Whether they remain by our side as we grow up might be up in the air, but we know they are at least responsible for the life we live today. Each parent brings their own genetics into things, and we are born with a combination of their DNA. Generations of people are born with this combo DNA, taking on many of the same traits their parents have. However, sometimes mutations happen that differ us from our ancestors. This causes rare genetic traits, some of which we pass on to our children.
While possessing one of these rare genetic traits might not be noticeable for most, there are some that are. For example, some people are able to make their tongue into a three-leaf clover. This is a form of rolling the tongue, but specialized. Nearly 84% of people can roll their tongue but only 14.7% of people can do a three-leaf clover without assistance. It is one of the rare genetic traits that actually pass down from parent to child. Of course, some are first-generation and pass it down to their kids later. There are many traits like this as well as others that are even more incredible, let’s dive into them now!
Curly Hair

Percentage Of People Who Have It: Roughly 11%
Curly hair is something a lot of people love, and actually have to fake. They might do this with a curling iron, but the curls they add are small and picked out to fit a specific look. For those with truly curly hair, having the chance to “pick” where their curls show up is nonexistent. It is a great look, but very few people have naturally curly hair. We do not mean small curls when we state this, by the way.

For example, if you do not brush your hair well and have a few curls at the bottom or if your bangs get so long they curl up. We mean people who have most sections of their hair curl on them naturally. These people are pretty rare, funny enough. Curly hair is one of the world’s rare genetic traits because only 11% of the world’s population has it. In fact, there are some people who have siblings with curly hair while they do not, showing just how rare it can be even in the same immediate family.