These End of the World Theories Sound Like a Sci-Fi Book

Robots, aliens, and natural disasters — oh my! Have you ever actually thought about the... Trista - November 1, 2019

35 Unique Ways To Survive When Lost In The Wilderness

A lot of things can happen in life, so it is best to always be... Joe Burgett - October 28, 2019

How Exploring the Globe has Evolved Since Magellan’s Voyages

People rarely stop and think about how vast the globe is. Earth has a radius... Trista - October 22, 2019

35 Things A Planet Requires To Prove It Can Sustain Human Life

We are lucky to have been born on a planet that is able to sustain... Joe Burgett - October 21, 2019

The Scariest Places on Earth

Haunted and creepy areas seem to attract us; the more morbid the place, the better.... Trista - October 17, 2019

The Dog Descendants Who Survived Chernobyl Can be Adopted

You have probably heard of the disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl power plant in... Trista - October 14, 2019
