There are many stories behind mysterious animals all over the world. Some of them are mythological, often not considered to be real but certainly inspired by real-world animals or events. Even some books are inspired by real-life animal encounters that might seem unreal but actually were completely true. For example, the story that inspired Moby Dick about a whale might seem like just a tall tale. In a way, the story itself is but the story that inspired it was absolutely true. There were sea tales referenced for years, but usually, all were not real. Rather, they were used to just scare people or make the sailors themselves look braver.
Yet the story about a rogue whale that seemed to have something against ships was likely accurate. Sperm whales as well as Blue whales have been known to avoid ships, but at times they will become territorial and attack anything in their way. This is likely what occurred in the story that inspired Moby Dick. Yet there are many tales just like this along with others. Meanwhile, there are stories referenced that could seem to be completely false but are actually 100% true. If that isn’t enough, there are also simply mysterious animal species that baffle science entirely. We’ll be covering all the above below, so let’s get started!

Beluga Sturgeon
There are countless stories about the sturgeon species, but the people telling the stories do not usually know they are referring to these creatures. The problem with this species has always been that it migrates a lot. Therefore, you can see them in places all over the world. For example, the white sturgeon can be seen a lot on the West Coast of North America as well as being landlocked in the Columbia River somehow. Yet the beluga sturgeon tends to get a lot of play due to how large it can get. While the largest on record was a little over seven feet long, it weighed over 3,400lbs too.