Right now, both the Marvel Comics world as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are at the height of their popularity, and neither looks to be reducing. In fact, due to the introduction of Disney+, Marvel Studios and Disney can use more characters and add more shows. Several Marvel Comics characters are going to be used here and in the film world. At the same time, the comic book side is also using several characters in a bigger way. This is why we wanted to guide you into this world a bit.
We will be discussing several characters and why you should look them up and find out more about them. Marvel will likely be using them a ton in the coming months to years. In fact, when Disney bought 20th Century Fox and acquired the Fantastic Four and X-Men worlds, we all knew they’d be used more. Yet these characters are well-known for the most part. Marvel wants to use other intellectual properties in a bigger way to help grow their world. These are the men and women that are about to be huge!
Kate Bishop

First Appearance: Young Avengers #1 (April 2005)
Created By: Allan Heinberg & Jim Cheung
While Kate Bishop’s backstory has switched up off and on, there are two things that seem to always travel with her regardless of her use. She is Clint Barton aka Hawkeye’s partner. He is something of a mentor for her, making Kate a skilled fighter with impressive archery abilities. The two are similar in their abilities, but Kate tends to lean into the technological side a bit more than Clint. For a while, she was merely known as “Bishop” until Clint died in the comics, allowing her to take on the “Hawkeye” codename. This made her one of the Marvel Comics characters to watch back then, yet she’s even bigger now.
Barton comes back around and that leads to “Bishop” working with Clint as a partner more. While Disney+ will be putting out a Hawkeye series in late November, Marvel Studios has bigger plans. They’d like to start up a Young Avengers film franchise, something that has been rumored since the release of Iron Man 3. Since she debuted in the Young Avengers comic book run, it only makes sense to see her in the film franchise. It finally appears as if they are setting that up in a bigger way now. It’s quite likely they’d want Kate to take up the Hawkeye mantle from Clint one day, but for now, she’ll remain as just “Bishop.”