While human beings threaten more species annually than all animals on the planet combined, we are not always the top predator. Sometimes, animals attack humans for one reason or another. It might be due to feeling threatened, a mental illness, hunger, or possibly by accident. This happens a lot around the world but it also happens a ton in North America. This made us wonder, what are the deadliest animals in the United States?
When we say the “United States,” we’re referring specifically to all of the areas that are currently claimed as a “state” by the nation as of this writing. This will not cover annexed territories such as Guam, American Samoa, and Puerto Rico. Our list will focus on the “deadliest” in the aspect of the most common to attack, injure, or kill humans. Yet we’re also going to connect this somewhat to how deadly they “could” be to us as well as animals around them. That being said, let’s get started!
Cottonmouth Snake

Attacks Per Year: A Few Hundred
Deaths Per Year: Less Than 2
When we reference “cottonmouth” snakes, we’re referring to a list of a few different snakes in that category. We say this, even though they are all virtually the same snake. It simply has several names associated. They all like to be around the water, giving rise to the most common name after “Cottonmouth” itself, the “Water Moccasin.” The Cottonmouth is not one you want to be around, as they can be pretty aggressive.

They tend to hang around water areas near the shoreline, often around creeks, ponds, lakes, and rivers. Due to where they are and how aggressive they can be, they are known for attacking at least a few hundred people per year. Yet like other snakes in the United States, the death amount is very low. It’s more common you’ll be struck by lightning than to die from a snakebite in America. Yet some do not get treatment and have died, which makes them one of the deadliest animals in the United States.