Monarch Patterns Are Changing – Here’s Why

Monarch butterflies are some of the most beautiful creatures. Like most people, you have watched... Trista - February 13, 2020

Avoid these Venomous Animals at All Costs

When you think about dangerous animals, everyone thinks of two different types. Often, we think... Joe Burgett - January 20, 2020

6,000-Year-Old Chewing Gum Proves Ancient Existence of Young Girl

Chewing gum: you simply cannot go anywhere these days without finding someone chomping down on... Trista - January 17, 2020

This Study about Processing Numbers Proves Dogs are Smarter than Expected

People look at their dogs and might see nothing more than pets. However, they are... Trista - January 15, 2020

Here’s How Ants and Other Animals Find Their Way Home

When humans need to go back and forth from their homes to other places, they... Trista - January 15, 2020

The Science of 35 Ancient Medical Practices Still In Use Today

The world of medicine can be a tricky subject matter, as so much can change... Joe Burgett - November 29, 2019
