Horrifying Accidents People Actually Walked Away From

There are a lot of things that human beings have done that shock and amaze... Joe Burgett - June 15, 2021

Rare Illnesses And Injuries that Famous Athletes Suffered From

Athletes might go on to become famous, household names. However, we often forget that they... Joe Burgett - June 15, 2021

Horrifying Before And After Stories Of Lobotomy Victims

The human brain can be a tricky thing to understand. People did not even believe... Joe Burgett - May 20, 2021

The Science Behind How Cults Brainwash People Into Joining Them

If you’ve ever bothered to look into world history, you’ll likely come across several different... Joe Burgett - May 15, 2021

Fascinating Facts the World Knows Thanks to Twin Studies

Out of every 100 births, three are twins. Twins offer a valuable source of information... Trista - April 30, 2021

Famous Studies On Humans That Would Never Be Allowed Today

There have been several scientific studies done on both humans and animals that have been... Joe Burgett - April 24, 2021
