According to IUCN Red List, scientists have identified over 2.12 million animal species as of 2020. Insects account for 1.05 million, with over 141,000 species of fungi and protists identified as well as over 110,000 arachnids. Both mollusks and crustaceans have over 80,000 species each, while fish have nearly 36,000. Reptiles and birds both have a little more than 11,000 species each. Amphibians account for just over 8,000 species, while mammals have nearly 6,500. There are also 2,175 coral species. With so many different types of creatures, there are sure to be some with more interesting physical features than others.
The planet is an interesting place, and you don’t have to look much further than the animals that live on it. Most people take animals and their talents for granted, but there are some bizarre things out there. They’re all unique in some respect, but the animals in this list have something that makes them truly one-of-a-kind creatures. So the next time you’re out and about in nature, keep in mind that some of these creatures could be in your area and are capable of things that you could only dream about. Here are some of the coolest animals to ever exist on planet Earth.
The Ribboned Seadragon

You might think that this is an extremely fancy seahorse, but the ribboned seadragon is not. It’s what’s called a pipefish, which belongs to the same family as the seahorse. They have a striking variety of colors that helps them to blend into their surroundings so that they can’t get eaten by bigger fish. However, the rest of us get to enjoy this display. They almost look like lace with how fine and delicate their features are. These unusal animals use their long tails to grab onto underwater grasses as they look for prey so that the current doesn’t drag them away.