Science Figures Who Were Initially Called Crazy, But were Right All Along

It’s embarrassing when we try and prove someone wrong, only to discover they’re right. It... Monica Gray - January 31, 2023

These Tool-Wielding Animals Are Entering the Stone Age

During the Stone age, our prehistoric ancestors started making simple tools out of stone to... Aisha Abdullah - January 31, 2023

Ordinary Things Scientists Somehow Still Can’t Explain

You’d think we’d understand ordinary things we experience daily, like laughter, hiccups, and yawning. They’ve... Monica Gray - January 30, 2023

These Scientific Facts Will Ruin Your Favorite Movies

We’re well aware that most of our favorite movies are fictitious. We know we haven’t... Monica Gray - January 28, 2023

This Is How Nanotechnology Could Overtake Humanity

Nanotechnology is often misunderstood as being just like normal robotics or even connected to artificial... Joe Burgett - January 24, 2023

Billion-Dollar Ideas That Were Actually Inspired By Beloved Movies & Shows

It’s mind-boggling to think about it, but some of the most advanced technology we use... Monica Gray - January 18, 2023
