The Ancient Aztec people are some of the most mysterious people in the world. They were the pioneers of many of the inventions we see today. It’s all thanks to them and their innovations that we have saunas, gum, rubber, popcorn, and featherwork, to name a few. Without the Aztec’s inventions, the world would be very different. It remains a mystery as to how they were able to build some of these fascinating inventions and make these discoveries with the limited tools they had.

Calendar System
The Aztec people discovered they needed a way to keep track of the dates. They developed complex calendrical systems like the solar calendar, which was accurate and advanced for their time. It was similar to the Mayan calendar and consisted of a ritual cycle of 260 days and a 365-day civil cycle. They named their ritual cycle tonalpohualli, which had two smaller cycles than the original one.
That was an ordered sequence of 20 named days, numbers 1 to 13. They used one calendar for religious purposes, and a second calendar for daily purposes, which was the solar calendar, and mainly used it for agriculture (Study).