We’re so accustomed to seeing wildlife photos that involve zebras peacefully grazing in a field, or lion’s attacking their prey. But, just like humans, animals in the wild often have their humorous moments. Adventurers lucky enough to follow these wild animals around and capture these hilarious moments shared their wildlife photos with us, and we couldn’t be happier. There’s a reason dogs are a man’s best friend, but that could apply to these animals, too.

We never thought we’d see animals in this light we didn’t know it was possible. The internet world has a newfound appreciation for animals unlike one we’ve ever seen before. Some of these photographs are misleading. They captured animals at the perfect, most awkward moment that makes it look completely unreal. We see swinging kangaroos, fish fighting against bears, bears pondering with a feather, and bulls with angel wings. These photos were taken at an ideal moment in time. Even then, it makes us wonder what’s going on in the animal world that we’re not aware of. These animals are certainly way smarter than we give them credit for, and for that, we’re grateful for these wildlife photos.
Meerkat Strangulation

If you’ve ever watched a horror movie or a true crime show, then you might’ve seen someone strangle another person. While it’s a horrendous act to witness, we bet you’ve never seen a meerkat strangle another meerkat. This photo was captioned, “I’m Gonna Strangle You!” and was taken by Emmanuel Do Linh San. The backstory to the photo was that he “was following a group of meerkats on foot in the Kalahari Trails Game Reserve, in South Africa. Most individuals, including adults, were in a playful mood. In the photo that I have selected, there is no aggression between individuals, but rather an interaction that reminds us of humans when one of your friends jokes about you and you pretend to strangle them and, in response, they open their mouth like a simpleton.” This is one of the funniest wildlife photos we’ve ever seen. These meerkats look like they’re posing for our entertainment (via Bored Panda).