Out of every 100 births, three are twins. Twins offer a valuable source of information for both health and psychological research. Their unique relationship gives researchers the ability to pull apart and examine genetic and environmental influences. The findings from twin studies have been extremely influential in detecting and treating various diseases and psychological disorders. Twin studies allow researchers to examine the overall role of genes in developing a trait or condition.
Furthermore, twin studies suggest that a specific characteristic or disorder has a genetic component, although the studies do not necessarily provide information about the gene’s location. Twin studies are incredibly informative because identical twins share nearly 100 percent of their DNA, whereas fraternal twins only share roughly 50 percent. Studying twins allows scientists to dive into a vital mystery of nature versus nurture. Due to their genetic makeup, twins enable researchers to control one of the main variables in so many factors, our genetics. From there, they can then drill down to the impact that environmental factors play throughout our lives. The studies of both fraternal and identical twins have long been used to understand and unwind the influences of genes and the environment on particular traits.
20. Twin studies have revealed that happiness is genetically influenced.

There are three genetic variations for happiness. There are two that are responsible for differences in symptoms of depression and one linked to happiness. It has also been discovered that an astonishing 20 areas on the specific genome have been linked to happiness. Through studying both identical and fraternal twins, scientists have been able to identify that about one-third of the variation of happiness is linked to genetics. Scientists were able to focus on one gene in particular, that works to transport serotonin. This specific neurotransmitter works by reducing stress hormones.
Although your level of happiness is linked to your particular genetics, external environmental factors still play a factor. The external environmental factors influence how the genes exhibit themselves. Knowing the exact location of specific genes opens up questions about the ability to modify someone’s genetic makeup. However, it is nearly impossible to alter their makeup to enhance their full happiness because a few thousand genetic variants are linked to happiness. Therefore, it will be way too complicated to start altering that much DNA. Twin studies have helped us to learn about the genetics of happiness and how the environment affects that could be the key to better health and education. Although scientists realize that individuals are genetically different, we can begin to customize more aspects that we already do.