The Amazon Alexa is a terrific digital assistant that can help people with many things. Adding the Echo to it all only helps to enhance an entire home’s ability to stay connected. Alexa even connects well with lighting systems and overall power, mostly in smart homes or those with digital lighting. Alexa helps us get things done, answers questions, and can handle a lot for us. Of course, there is a dark side to artificial intelligence like this. Some of the creepiest things Alexas have ever done could make your skin crawl.
You’d be surprised what they have been capable of. While some have assumed Alexa can get hacked, allowing an external force to mess with people, that is not often the case. Most of the time, the issues with this device are completely related to how it was made. It has become such an issue that Amazon gets calls regularly about it. Moreover, it has done things that Amazon never programmed it to be capable of. Only adding to the weirdness. We felt it would be good to highlight some of these issues. That said, these are the creepiest things Alexas have ever done!
Alexa Follows Commands Her Owner Never Gave Her

Smart home systems are pretty cool, allowing us to control our lights and thermostat at the touch of a button. Heck, even our alarm system is part of it and it’s awesome! However, this also comes with some issues. In January 2018, a man named David Gewirtz claimed there were some pretty big downsides to this type of home, specifically if you had an Alexa around. Often, his Alexa started speaking without any prompting of its wake word.
This showed Alexa was alive within the home, just as the humans occupying it were. The lack of a wake word to cause Alexa to turn on means it had to remain on and always listening. Gewirtz said that we all know of the potential of “big brother” and the idea that the government or some criminal could be listening in on us. We’re fully aware of this yet these devices only further invite that in. This device always listening in on his home has to be one of the creepiest things Alexas have ever done.