We get it, there is a lot of things you’d possibly like to ask about but fear doing so. This is especially common when it comes to medical issues. While most people feel comfortable with their doctors about pretty much any question, both men and women are a bit on edge with others. Truly, there are a lot of medical questions people are afraid to ask. The struggle here is that, even though it is now possible to Google things yourself, there is no way you could possibly know a lot about something.
Yes, we can all use the internet. However, some people do not know where to look. Moreover, people end up using unreliable sources. We wanted to help people avoid this issue. Therefore, we put our list together on the most common medical questions people are afraid to ask about. Since Science Sensei’s entire reason for being is to educate people on several science topics, we’re relatively easy to trust. However, we’ll also be linking to and referencing outside sources as well.
Can A Woman Get Pregnant During Her Period?

This is a question that has been asked a lot, but it makes sense to think about. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex with a man on her period? Most of the time, it is rare that a woman could get pregnant while on her period. However, pregnancy, in this case, has a lot to do with the time of the month it happens AND how far in the period happens to be. The likelihood a woman will get pregnant one to two days after she begins to bleed from a period is nearly zero percent.

Yet with each passing day, the more likely she is to get pregnant. Not all periods are created equal. Some periods might last a week while some women could experience them for a few weeks. A day or two before her period ends, she can get pregnant but it’s still reduced. You’re looking at around a 10% possibility. Sometimes, mistakes happen. A woman could mistake ovulation for period blood. Then get pregnant after sex because this is a time when she has a MUCH higher chance to do so.