You might not notice it at the time, but there are some dangerous ingredients found in many products we use today. When we say “ingredients,” this also has to do with chemicals used or naturally occurring. It could be in stuff we make such as cleaners, medication, or packaged foods. Yet they could also be within specific animals, and consuming too much of that animal could lead to an early death.
Every single ingredient or chemical you see on this list is dangerous and you have likely come across them at some point in your life. Small or limited exposure to them will likely not affect you as much, because our bodies are remarkably able to heal from these things or adjust to them over time. However, overexposure will be harmful. Whether it’s food or something as simple as paint, dangerous ingredients are all around. These are some of the worst of the bunch!

What It’s Used In: Food, Shampoo, Drinks
Problems Caused: Cancer, Ulcers, Colitis
While Carrageenan has been cleared for use by most nations, including by the United States FDA, it is not 100% safe. You can find it in numerous products such as fire extinguisher foam, toothpaste, shoe polish, etc. In most things you’ll see carrageenan used in, it’s almost always as a thickening agent. Extracted from seaweed, it is a naturally growing ingredient. What makes it so dangerous? Research has shown us that it can cause gut tumors and ulcers, as well as trigger colon cancer.