Scientific Breakthroughs that Literally Changed Everything

The world might be experiencing a tough time right now, but there is good news... Joe Burgett - April 5, 2020

Here’s How Long It Took Scientists To Address Other Outbreaks Throughout History

The current crisis has everyone thinking about how to protect themselves and other people from... Trista - March 31, 2020

40 Greatest Inventors In World History And What They Invented

Where would the world be today without the technology and assistance we have today as... Joe Burgett - March 25, 2020

The Lies Surrounding Ancient Aliens and Why It Isn’t Real Science

Have you seen the television series Ancient Aliens? The show began airing on The History... Trista - March 24, 2020

40 Ancient Greek Technology And Concepts Still Used Today

Ancient Greece is one of the most celebrated cultures in history and it is not... Joe Burgett - February 29, 2020

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Can the human brain match the competence of artificial intelligence or vice versa? For many... Trista - February 19, 2020
