
113 posts

Astounding Facts About Primates that Never Cease to Amaze

You might have used the words “Primate” and “Monkey” interchangeably in the past, but you... Trista - December 7, 2021

A Lot of People Missed these Hidden Messages on Squid Game

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve heard of Netflix’s Thrilling Korean show... Trista - November 24, 2021

The Surprising Science Behind Why Candles are So Calming

Do you ever burn candles? Maybe you keep some back-up candles if the electricity goes... Trista - June 28, 2021

Research Shows Letting Kids Play In Nature Could Change Their Growth

Most people naturally know that they feel better after spending time outdoors, even if it’s... Trista - June 23, 2021

Theories About The Universe that Make Heads Spin

You have undoubtedly heard about the Big Bang, which is the most accepted belief about... Trista - June 14, 2021

Fascinating Facts the World Knows Thanks to Twin Studies

Out of every 100 births, three are twins. Twins offer a valuable source of information... Trista - April 30, 2021

Extreme Weather Phenomena on Other Planets 

Seven of the eight planets in the solar system are circled by atmospheres. They also... Trista - January 22, 2021

Unusual Sleeping Habits of These Earth Creatures

As humans, we understand the importance of sleep. Many animals have unique sleeping habits. Both... Trista - January 13, 2021

23 Science Myths Almost Everyone Believes

There are times when it can be difficult to distinguish facts from fiction. Sometimes this... Trista - January 10, 2021

Compelling Theories About the Dreaming Brain

The brain thinks, makes memories, and solves problems. It observes new information and then processes... Trista - December 12, 2020

25 Books Scientists Are Reading Right Now

In addition to reading and researching items in their fields, the most well-known scientists take... Trista - December 6, 2020

30 Animals Brought Back from the Brink of Extinction

Sustainability is all about finding new ways to protect the plant. You might work towards... Trista - November 20, 2020