Chewing gum: you simply cannot go anywhere these days without finding someone chomping down on a piece. Whether it is to freshen up your breath after a meal or to get rid of hunger pains, chewing gum has been used for a myriad of reasons since it was invented. Not surprisingly, 6,000 years ago, chewing gum was used for a completely different purpose than it is used today. In the past, chewing gum was made using birch bark tar and was primarily used for medicinal purposes. However, that is not the only significance to ancient chewing gum: it can also tell us about the people who lived during that time.
Recently, a piece of chewing gum was discovered and analyzed: the results showed that the gum came from a girl who lived 6,000 years ago. Want to unravel the mystery? Continue reading to learn about this ancient chewing gum that proved a young girl’s entire existence.
1. It All Started In Denmark

This country is the site where ancient chewing gum was found. Researchers found a piece of birch bark gum in an archaeological site; the area is a seaside marshland located in the southern part of the country. The gum was discovered during an exploration of the Danish Lolland, which is a significant Stone Age site that holds great significance.
Lolland is the fourth largest island in Denmark and has a unique way of preserving ancient materials. Everything on the island is sealed in a layer of mud, which is what was able to preserve the genetic material in the chewing gum that was found. Lolland is also home to the most extensive Stone Age site in Denmark, and a study of the area suggests that those who were present all those years ago exploited the area of its natural resources, right up until the Neolithic period, which was when farming and domesticated animals were introduced in the area.