We’re well aware that most of our favorite movies are fictitious. We know we haven’t fought aliens like in Independence Day, or fought zombies in Dawn of the Dead. But other movies out there are close to our reality, so much so, that we wonder if their scientific facts are accurate. While some movies are accurate, like Her, Finding Nemo, and The Martian, other movies are so far from being scientifically accurate that they’re ruined. It’s surprising that the directors of these major films overlooked even the most basic scientific knowledge we learned in grade school science class. We hate to break it to you, but some of your favorite movies aren’t as faultless as you thought they were. That being said, they still make great movies and are a way for us to shut off our brains and the outside world, at least for a little while.
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Isn’t So Easy To Achieve

As much as we’d like to erase our exes from our minds and completely forget them, it’s impossible. But in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Jim Carrey achieves just that, which probably got most of us thinking: is it possible? Can a stoner dude who calls himself a doctor have access to our memories while we’re in a comatose state and simply erase the areas of our brain associated with our exes?
The scientific facts point us towards… no. The basis is true. When we access a memory, our brain creates a new connection between the memory and present moment. But there’s no science as of yet that can simply erase that connection as if it never happened (Grunge).