It might be kind of weird at times, but we all have fears that we hate to talk about. For some, it might be the fear of public speaking or potentially the fear of death itself. Meanwhile, others have a deep fear of the creepy crawlies. These insects can come in all shapes and sizes, but the creepiest insects offer something much more. They literally bring about fear in those they are near.
To be honest, we can understand why this happens. Some look absolutely horrifying, while some come off as creepy due to blending into the environment so well. Yet it is not just their looks that can be creepy. We’ve seen what some can do to people over the years. Insects have inserted parasites into our bodies, made us pass out, or even killed others. In this list, we’re going to highlight them all. Be aware that we’re using traditional insects for this list too, therefore, spiders will not be part of it.
Australian Walking Stick

Regions Found: Australia & New Guinea
Scientific Order: Phasmatodea
The Australian Walking Stick gets its name honestly. This can make it pretty compelling to see when it’s away from outdoor areas. Obviously, it blends in well with its environment. The Walking Stick species has managed to survive for thousands of years, mostly due to its camouflage abilities. However, there are times when this does not work.

When threatened, the species takes on a “threat pose.” To do this, it stands on the front and middle legs, pointing their abdomen up or to the side. This makes it somewhat resemble a scorpion, making predators assume as much. Their back legs are pretty powerful, yet the sharp spines it possesses are capable of protecting it well too. Those can pierce human skin, so other animals have to keep a close on them. Overall, they look creepy but don’t affect humans very often.