The use of artificial intelligence is at an all time high, and not just for the Silicon Valley big wigs, either. Anyone with access to a computer or smart device can access generative AI to create almost any content (inhumanly) imaginable. There’s plenty of impressive AI generated content out there, but there’s arguably more that veers into “uncanny valley” territory. What exactly is uncanny valley, and what in the world would it have to do with generative content?
The term “uncanny valley” was coined in 1970 by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori. It describes the phenomenon of robots becoming increasingly eerie and unsettling as they become more human-like in appearance and behavior. The uncanny valley is a concept that describes the uncomfortable feeling of unease or revulsion that can occur when a robot or animated character looks almost human but not quite, falling into a “valley” of unsettling similarity.
Thankfully for any meme aficionados, the gold mine that is generative AI will just keep giving and giving. On multiple social media platforms, many of the best (or worst?) AI generated videos have gone quite viral. It can be hard to get your hands on all that’s out there, so let’s take a look at the best compilation of utterly unsettling, creepy AI generated videos. Shall we?
Let’s Dance

Posted to Reddit on r/DeepDream, this sub states that it is “dedicated to art produced via machine learning algorithms”. User u/numberchef uploaded this terrifying gem titled “Let’s Dance”. The eerie figures are dancing along to ambient sounds rather than upbeat music. The main figure appears to be happily dancing while their face contorts into a series of disturbing illusions. One particular scene looks as if they’re infected, à la “The Last of Us”. We’ll probably skip this particular warehouse rave.