There’s nothing more rewarding than keeping and taking care of a pet. They become a part of your family, and truly teach you about unconditional love. You probably love coming home at the end of a long work day to a happy dog wagging his tail, or a cute cat waiting to cuddle you. Even though it’s normal to have dogs and cats as pets, it doesn’t mean it’s completely safe.
Certain animals kept as pets can cause serious harm to their owners. They are animals, after all. We’ve curated a list of the most likely pets that will cause injuries to their owners. If you do have a pet, make sure it’s properly trained and used to living in your home to have the safest experience possible. These pets will stick around for years, so keeping a safe environment should be your number one priority.

You wouldn’t think these graceful pets can cause their owners harm, but they’re responsible for more than 3% of human fatalities. Several years ago, a family that owned more than a dozen huskies lost their youngest baby when one of the huskies attacked her while she slept in her pram. Physically, these pets are mighty and strong, making them a threat to those weaker than them. The baby was only three months old when she died at the scene (ITV).