As one of the most fascinating cultures in the world, ancient China spans over 1800 years. There were three main dynasties during this period, and this is when the first parts of the Great Wall of China were built. It’s also a time of great invention, science, and creation. But there are quite a few inventions you probably didn’t realize came from Ancient China, and this includes the crossbow, tea cultivation, and kites.

The invention of papermaking is attributed to Cai Lun during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD). This process primarily used rags (textile waste) as the raw material for paper. This invention helped the spread of literacy and literature. It happened tenfold since paper was a lot cheaper than bamboo, silk, and wood. Eventually, it was used to create the first paper money from the early 12th century CE. Cai Lun created this by “using soaked and pressed plant fibers which were dried in sheets on wooden frames or screens.” Paper came in many different sizes and colors (World History).