People tend to believe whatever they hear, especially when it sounds like something that’s backed...
Monica Gray
February 24, 2023
Otters are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of people all around the world....
Monica Gray
February 20, 2023
Throughout history, many of the greatest scientific advancements and technological innovations have been the result...
Monica Gray
February 12, 2023
It’s embarrassing when we try and prove someone wrong, only to discover they’re right. It...
Monica Gray
January 31, 2023
You’d think we’d understand ordinary things we experience daily, like laughter, hiccups, and yawning. They’ve...
Monica Gray
January 30, 2023
We’re well aware that most of our favorite movies are fictitious. We know we haven’t...
Monica Gray
January 28, 2023
It’s mind-boggling to think about it, but some of the most advanced technology we use...
Monica Gray
January 18, 2023
Think your backyard is safe? Think again. Poisonous plants may be lurking in plain sight....
Monica Gray
January 13, 2023
Have you ever stopped to wonder what the world looks like beyond the naked eye?...
Monica Gray
January 9, 2023
Dreaming takes us to other realms. It’s where our brains process our day, our deepest...
Monica Gray
December 30, 2022
People may enjoy learning about random science facts for a variety of reasons. Some people...
Monica Gray
December 22, 2022
Whenever we see a cute animal, we immediately think they’re friendly. We may even approach...
Monica Gray
December 21, 2022