Let’s admit it; not all nature pictures are created equally. While some deserve to be on the cover of every wildlife magazine others, sadly, didn’t make the cut. However, there exists a unique realm for wildlife photographs that, somehow, eluded the confines of those solemn and humorless award ceremonies. The Facebook group “Crap Wildlife Photography” shares these hilarious images that are amazing in their own ways. While they may not possess the regal grandeur or breathtaking beauty that garners critical acclaim, these photographs hold a far greater appeal to those blessed with a keen sense of humor.
Talk About Ducking Down!

Just as this individual was about to capture an adorable picture of the duck, it decided to take a plunge beneath the water surface in pursuit of food, exposing its derriere above the waterline. That’s is no way to greet people, Mr. Duck! How would you like it if we stuck our back ends in your face? You wouldn’t like it at all. He must have thought someone said, “What’s up?” To which he replied, “Duck butt.”
If we had the chance, we would happily frame and display this photograph on our wall, as it manages to be hilariously bad and remarkably captivating all at once. Hopefully, the duck’s culinary adventure beneath the water surface proved fruitful, making the sacrifice of a picture well worth it.