If there is one franchise outside of the comic book world that has a massive yet divisive fanbase, it’s certainly Star Wars. While The Walt Disney Company managed to make the franchise worth billions, George Lucas was the inventor of the entire thing. He wrote and directed the first six movies, and played a part in the development of the games and books that followed. He’s even responsible for some of the animated projects too. Of course, not everything was perfect by any means. Yet you could say that there were and still are some very controversial opinions of Star Wars fans that seem pretty crazy. Others, meanwhile, might make a good point.
When Lucasfilm sold off to Disney, everyone knew what was coming. They were about to expand it heavily, and both new and old fans were going to share their opinions about the new stuff. However, some might go back and check out older content if they were new to the franchise. While we expect new fans to say some controversial stuff about both the new movies and older ones…long-standing fans take the cake. They’ll share some of the most insane stuff you’ve ever heard, and you’d be surprised how bad it gets. We decided to collect a lot of the most controversial opinions of Star Wars fans and display them for you.
Han Solo Shot First

In a scene for the 1977 Star Wars film, Han Solo is confronted by the bounty hunter known as Greedo in the Mos Eisley cantina. In this original version, Han shoots Greedo first to kill him before he himself is killed. George Lucas would alter this scene in later versions, where he edits the film to show that Greedo attempts to fire at Han first. Lucas wanted to give Han a justifiable reason to shoot Greedo, as a form of self-defense. Fans have been divided on this ever since. In the edited version, Greedo shoots first but misses Han, resulting in why he shoots Greedo. This changes the entire reason for Solo’s shot decades after. Fans are divided where one camp wants to buy into the new version since it would technically be canon. The other side wants to keep to the original version, which never should have been changed.