You’d think we’d understand ordinary things we experience daily, like laughter, hiccups, and yawning. They’ve become second nature, so we must understand why they happen, right? Surprisingly, these simple, ordinary things are unexplainable by scientists. They remain a mystery, and even the most successful scientists haven’t figured out how they work. Simply put, these scientists don’t know exactly why we do things like sleep, or exactly how Tylenol works. Scientists around the world are constantly searching for answers and studying solutions to try and find answers. But part of being a scientist is knowing that some things cannot be solved, and there is not always an answer. We need to thank these guys because most of us just wait around for the answers instead of proactively seeking them.
Tylenol Really Does Work Like Magic

Tylenol is widely consumed around the entire world. More than 60 million people use Tylenol every week, and it’s responsible for 500 deaths from overdose every year. Anyone can walk into a drugstore or pharmacy and buy over-the-counter medicine almost too easily. Even though it’s so common, its effects remain a mystery. Scientists don’t know how it functions and why it’s so effective at mitigating pain.
Scientists have studied the drug for more than 150 years, and because it works for a variety of pain, like stubbing a toe, to headaches, fevers, and muscle pain, suggests it may affect the central nervous system rather than the site of pain. It may block an enzyme associated with pain, block signals in the endocannabinoid system, or even adjust serotonin levels. Several mechanisms to study the drug were conducted, and every outcome was refuted, which is why scientists are still unsure about how it works (Medicine).