Every invention came from somewhere, even though the original idea likely developed from something much simpler. Take a look at obvious ones like the history of the automobile, or the airplane, for example. But what about other inventions we might not think twice about, like a basket? Many inventions we use today came from the Native Americans. Even though modern-day technology might look a little bit different than it did hundreds of years ago, their designs and concepts are still the same. It’s all thanks to the Native American’s relationship with nature and ingenious innovation that we have rubber, kayaks, hammocks, mouthwash, and baby bottles.

Millions of people around the world swear by mouthwash. You could walk into any pharmacy in most countries and find a bottle of Listerine or generic brand mouthwash sitting on the shelf. But where did this ingenious idea to use a powerful liquid to strengthen our teeth and kill germs come from? We can thank the Native Americans for that! Though they did it a bit differently. Tribes in Northeastern and North America used the goldthread wildflower, or Coptis trifolia, as a mouthwash and treatment for oral pain. They would also rub the root on teething infants to help them with growing pains (Advent Health).