The Science Behind How Cults Brainwash People Into Joining Them

If you’ve ever bothered to look into world history, you’ll likely come across several different... Joe Burgett - May 15, 2021

How these Cultures Used Science to Predict Major Apocalyptic Events

Is an “Earthly Apocalypse” coming soon? This truly all depends on who you ask. Many... Joe Burgett - May 13, 2021

Times When Governments Conducted Experiments On Their Own People

We know what you’re thinking. Governments experimenting on their own people? That is just science... Joe Burgett - April 30, 2021

Famous Studies On Humans That Would Never Be Allowed Today

There have been several scientific studies done on both humans and animals that have been... Joe Burgett - April 24, 2021

These Science Experiments Led To The Demise Of Their Creators

We have been lucky enough in human history to have amazing scientists who gave us... Joe Burgett - April 15, 2021

People Open Up About Their Nightmare Wildlife Safari Stories

Most of the time, human beings entering wild safari territories with proper guides can be... Joe Burgett - April 9, 2021
