Home Editor Picks How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
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People managed their daily lives just fine before our modern inventions came along. Our ancestors found clever ways to get things done, whether it was keeping food fresh, sending messages, or finding their way around. Here’s a look at 40 practices that show how they handled everyday tasks before the technologies we use today. Their solutions might surprise you.

Buildings Without Electric Elevators

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: mycommutejournal.blogspot.com

Wealthy citizens preferred ground-floor apartments, unlike today’s penthouse culture, since climbing several flights of stairs proved exhausting. Buildings rarely exceeded six stories because of these limitations. Merchants used complex pulley systems to move goods between floors. Some buildings incorporated ramps instead of stairs, making it easier to transport heavy items.

Armies Without Radio Communication

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Pinterest

Military commanders relied on drum patterns, horn signals, and flag systems to coordinate troop movements. Message runners trained for years to memorize complex battle plans and deliver them accurately. Some armies used mirrors to flash coded messages across battlefields. Units coordinated attacks using precisely timed movements based on sundial readings.

Writing Without Ball Point Pens

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: arspictoria.com

Scribes carefully cut quill pens and mixed their own inks from natural materials. Writers carried portable inkwells and special knives for resharpening their quills. Desert cultures developed inks that could withstand extreme heat without deteriorating. Some societies used special brushes made from animal hair, requiring years of practice to master.

Cooling Without Electric Fans

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Son Tung Tran

People in hot climates built homes with thick walls and strategic window placement to capture breezes. Desert dwellers often lived in underground spaces during summer months. Wealthy Romans circulated cold water through walls, while Egyptian nobles had slaves fan them with palm fronds. Some communities built elaborate wind towers to funnel cool air into buildings.

Communication Before Telephones 

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Openverse

Town criers roamed through bustling streets announcing daily news while carrier pigeons soared across enemy lines with secret messages tied to their legs. Local communities developed intricate bell-ringing systems in town squares, with specific patterns indicating different types of news. Some towns employed runners who sprinted between villages to deliver urgent information, while others trained dogs to carry messages across treacherous terrains. 

Keeping Things Cold Before Electric Refrigerators

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: rarehistoricalphotos.com

Communities carved massive ice houses into hillsides, storing winter ice under thick layers of sawdust and straw until summer months arrived. Workers hauled heavy blocks using special tongs and wagons, distributing ice throughout neighborhoods. In desert regions, people nested clay pots with damp sand between them, using evaporation to keep vegetables and fruits cool despite scorching temperatures. Wealthy families hired ice runners to replenish their supplies daily.

Medicine Without Antibiotics

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: wellcomecollection.org

Medical practitioners believed sickness stemmed from imbalanced bodily humors, leading them to attach leeches to patients for bloodletting treatments. For gangrene, surgeons raced to amputate limbs with handsaws as assistants held down screaming patients. Sometimes, physicians would press scorching hot irons against bleeding injuries to stop wounds from bleeding. Some doctors prescribed mercury for various ailments, while others recommended wearing specific stones or metals to ward off diseases.

Nights Without Television

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Flickr

Shadow puppeteers captivated audiences with intricate stories projected onto white sheets using oil lamps and carefully crafted figures. Public executions drew massive crowds who treated these grim events as social gatherings, bringing food and children along. Street performers juggled and told tales while traveling between towns, sometimes incorporating trained animals into their acts. Local taverns hosted storytellers who shared news from distant lands.

When Washing Machines Didn’t Exist

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: twobeansornottwobeans.blogspot.com

Romans collected human urine in large street vats for washing clothes, harnessing its natural ammonia compounds. Making soap required a dangerous process of boiling wood ashes to extract lye, which could severely burn skin. Wealthy households employed washerwomen who spent entire days scrubbing clothes in rivers or communal washing spaces. Garments hung in smoke-filled rooms to mask persistent odors.

Heating Without Central Heat

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Getty Images

Romans engineered hypocaust systems that circulated hot air under floors and through hollow walls. Chinese families built beds directly over kitchen stoves, channeling heat through stone platforms. Many households gathered in single rooms during winter, hanging thick tapestries over windows and doors to trap precious warmth. People slept in layers of clothing and took heated stones to bed.

Finding Ways Without GPS

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: wikimedia.org

Sailors relied on dead reckoning, calculating their position based on previous locations and estimated speed. Star navigation helped determine latitude, but finding longitude remained challenging until precise chronometers appeared. Pacific islanders created intricate stick charts marking ocean swells and currents. Travelers memorized landscape features and used cairns to mark safe paths through dangerous territories.

Data Storage Before Hard Drives

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: brewminate.com

Mesopotamian scribes pressed wedge-shaped marks into clay tablets, creating durable records that survived thousands of years. Egyptian papyrus scrolls stored vast amounts of knowledge but proved fragile and fire-prone. Medieval monks painstakingly copied books by hand, with single volumes taking years to complete. Important documents required physical storage in guarded vaults.

Teeth Care Before Modern Dentistry

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: harteconhache.blogspot.com

Medieval tooth healers believed mysterious worms caused cavities, attempting to smoke out these imaginary creatures with heated needles. Barbers doubled as dental surgeons, yanking painful teeth with crude pliers or their bare hands. People chewed herbs for fresh breath and rubbed their teeth with rough cloths. Some cultures used twigs with frayed ends as natural toothbrushes.

Bathing Without Indoor Plumbing

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: wikimedia.org

Public bathhouses served as social hubs where people shared communal waters, often leading to widespread disease transmission. Some communities used wood ash mixed with water for cleaning, creating a primitive form of soap. Wealthy Romans enjoyed elaborate bathing rituals in heated pools, while common folk might bathe only a few times yearly in rivers or streams.

Messages Without Writing Systems

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: brewminate.com

Inca messengers memorized complex information using quipus, knotted cords that recorded numerical data through various knot patterns and positions. Different colored strings represented specific categories of information. Knowledge keepers needed years of training to master this intricate system. Communities relied heavily on oral traditions, with designated members memorizing histories spanning generations.

Before Electric Lights Lit Our World

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: .rootsimple.com

Whale oil lamps cast dim glows across rooms while hunters risked their lives pursuing these massive creatures in treacherous seas. Poor families depended on tallow candles, which filled their homes with thick smoke and the nauseating stench of burning animal fat. Some households rationed their candles carefully, spending most evening hours in partial darkness to save money. Rich families used beeswax candles, which burned cleaner but cost substantially more.

Life Without Combine Harvesters

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: ruralindiaonline.org

Farmers spent weeks hand-harvesting crops with simple scythes and sickles, often working from dawn till dusk. Communities organized collective harvesting parties, where entire villages gathered to help each homestead bring in their grain. Women followed behind the harvesters, gathering and bundling the cut stalks. Children helped by carrying water and collecting any dropped grain to ensure nothing went to waste.

Farming Without Tractors

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: A Jayaraju

Farmers used slash-and-burn techniques to clear land, temporarily enriching soil with nutrient-rich ash before moving to new areas. Communities shared draft animals for plowing, carefully scheduling their use during crucial planting seasons. Some societies developed intricate terrace systems on hillsides, preventing erosion while maximizing growing space. Local blacksmiths crafted specialized hand tools for different soil types, passing down their craft through generations.

Trading Without Paper Currency

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: wondermondo.com

Communities used cattle as living currency, with livestock values based on age, health, and breeding potential. On the Pacific island of Yap, massive limestone disks served as money, sometimes staying in place during ownership transfers due to their enormous size. Some societies used cowrie shells as currency, while others traded standardized metal pieces. Local markets established complex exchange rates between different forms of currency.

Measuring Hours Without Wristwatches

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: aromaticmedicineschool.com

Complex water clocks used intricate systems of drips and floats to track passing hours, though accuracy varied with temperature changes. Multi-chambered sandglasses required careful monitoring and regular turning. Some cultures tracked time using incense sticks marked with time intervals, while others relied on burning candles with evenly spaced markings. Town squares often featured large communal sundials for public timekeeping.

Publishing Without Printing Presses

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: wemystic.fr

Professional storytellers memorized vast collections of stories, poems, and historical accounts, passing them down through generations. Australian Aboriginal peoples wove navigation details into songs, creating musical maps of their territories. Epic poems carried historical records and cultural values, with skilled performers adding dramatic gestures and voice modulation. Stories changed slightly with each telling, evolving through countless retellings.

When Gutters and Sewers Didn’t Exist

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: ruralhistoria.com

Medieval cities employed gong farmers who descended into deep cesspits at night, removing human waste with basic tools and buckets. The waste often ended up in rivers or got sold to farmers as fertilizer. In London, the great houses built multistory privies that emptied into the Thames River. Some cities designated specific streets as waste channels, while others relied on pigs to clean their gutters.

Internal Medicine Before MRI Machines

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: guavahealth.com

Doctors relied heavily on physical examination, using their hands to feel for broken bones and internal abnormalities. Some practitioners claimed they could diagnose by tasting patients’ blood or urine. Japanese healers developed systematic diagnostic methods through pulse reading and tongue examination. Bone setters passed down secret techniques for identifying and treating fractures through generations.

Transportation Before Cars Ruled The Streets

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: thebeaverton.com

Horse-drawn omnibuses crawled through city streets, cramming passengers into wooden seats while horses clip-clopped along bumpy roads. Streets reeked from mountains of manure, and simple trips often took hours. In flood-prone areas, especially the Netherlands, people mastered walking on tall wooden stilts to navigate waterlogged paths and keep their clothes dry. Wealthier citizens hired personal horse carriages, though these also faced similar challenges with road conditions.

Roads Without Tar and Concrete

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: paseandohistoria.blogspot.com

Streets consisted of packed dirt that turned to mud during rain, making travel nearly impossible in wet weather. Roman engineers laid thick stone roads that survived centuries, though construction took years of backbreaking labor. Some cities used wooden planks for streets, which rotted quickly and needed constant replacement. Wealthy districts sometimes scattered straw over muddy areas to help pedestrians cross.

Cities Without Electric Lampposts

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Monstera Production

City dwellers carried their own lanterns after dark, while wealthy citizens hired torch-bearing servants to light their way. Moonless nights brought near-total darkness to urban areas. Some cities required residents to place candles in their windows on designated nights. Professional lantern lighters maintained oil lamps at major intersections during important events.

Metal Without Industrial Furnaces

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Openverse

Blacksmiths spent years perfecting techniques to create strong metal tools and weapons. Iron production required constant attention to maintain correct furnace temperatures using bellows. Communities treasured metal items, passing them down through generations. Local smiths developed secret formulas for strengthening their metal, while others specialized in specific items like swords or plowshares.

Combat Without Machine Guns

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Openverse

Armies relied on archers who trained from childhood to develop the necessary strength and skill. Siege engineers designed massive wooden machines to hurl rocks at castle walls. Warriors wore heavy metal armor that required assistants to put on. Naval battles involved ships trying to ram each other or get close enough for soldiers to board enemy vessels.

Spotting Enemies Without Radar Systems

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: falconryadvice.com

Military scouts climbed hills or trees to spot approaching enemies, sometimes building elaborate wooden towers for better views. Coastal defenders lit chains of warning beacons to spread news of invasions. Some cultures trained hawks to circle differently when spotting enemy movements. Units relied on riders to report enemy positions, often receiving outdated information.

Lights Without Power Grids

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Oleksandr P

Every household managed its own heat and light sources individually, stockpiling firewood and candles throughout the year. Wealthy families employed servants whose sole job involved maintaining fires and lights. Industries clustered near rivers to harness water power for their machinery. Cities went completely dark during fuel shortages, leading to increased crime and accidents.

Washing Without Indoor Plumbing

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: picryl.com

Families trekked to communal wells multiple times daily, carrying heavy water jugs for cooking and cleaning. Wealthy households employed water carriers who filled massive storage tanks on their roofs. Many communities built intricate aqueduct systems to channel water from distant sources. Some desert cultures developed complex water-sharing schedules to manage scarce resources.

Disease Control Without Vaccines

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Flickr

Entire cities fled to the countryside when plagues struck, leaving their sick behind in quarantined districts. Communities burned aromatic herbs in the streets, believing bad air spread disease. Ships remained anchored offshore for forty days before crews could disembark. Some towns stationed guards at their gates to examine travelers for symptoms of illness. Infected households marked their doors with crosses as warnings.

Weather Watching Without Satellite Systems

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: biblio.com

Sailors watched for subtle changes in cloud patterns, animal behaviors, and wind directions to predict storms. Farmers relied on generations of weather-related sayings and almanacs to plan planting cycles. Mountain communities stationed observers at high points to spot approaching weather systems. Local experts studied the migration patterns of birds to forecast seasonal changes.

Cooking Without Gas Stoves

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Pinterest

Families tended cooking fires from dawn to dusk, carefully managing wood supplies and maintaining ideal cooking temperatures. Large households built separate cooking houses to reduce fire risks. Skilled cooks judged heat by holding their hands over flames at specific heights. Communities developed elaborate techniques for smoking and preserving food using different types of wood.

Childbirth Without Epidurals

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Pinterest

Women endured labor supported by experienced midwives who passed down birthing techniques through generations. Cultures developed special breathing patterns and movement sequences to manage pain naturally. Some communities created birthing chairs with specific handholds and supports. Attendants burned special herbs believed to ease pain and ward off complications. Wealthy families employed dedicated birth attendants throughout pregnancy.

Recording Sales Without Cash Registers

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Etsy

Merchants used complex finger-counting methods to calculate transactions quickly in bustling marketplaces. Some shops employed counting boards with pebbles or beads to track daily sales and inventory. Market vendors developed their own systems of merchant marks to record credit and debt. Large trading houses created detailed record books using special symbols to track different types of goods and transactions.

Making Clothes Without Sewing Machines

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Flickr

Seamstresses spent months creating single garments, using tiny stitches sewn entirely by hand. Communities organized sewing circles where women worked together on large projects like quilts and wedding dresses. Expert tailors guarded their pattern-making secrets, passing techniques down through family lines. Some cultures developed specialized bone needles for working with specific materials and complex stitching patterns.

Homes Without Electric Vacuums

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Pinterest

Housekeepers developed specialized carpet-beating techniques using woven reed beaters of different strengths and sizes. Spring cleaning meant hauling heavy rugs outside onto special beating racks, a task that required multiple people. Some cultures used specific types of fresh herbs scattered on floors to repel insects and mask odors. Wealthy households employed dedicated staff just for floor and carpet maintenance.

Libraries Without Digital Catalogs

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Flickr

Librarians memorized thousands of scroll and book locations, developing complex organizational systems based on subject matters and authors. Some libraries used colored threads tied to scrolls to indicate different topics. Large collections required teams of scholars just to maintain and update their catalogs. Monks created detailed hand-written indexes that took years to complete and verify.

City Driving Without Traffic Lights

How Did They Manage? 40 Astonishing Practices Before Modern Technology
Source: Shopify

Complex systems of traffic guards used colored flags and whistles to coordinate busy intersections. Some cities built elevated platforms for traffic coordinators to manage major crossroads. Wealthy districts employed teams of young boys to run ahead of carriages, warning pedestrians and other vehicles. Communities developed intricate right-of-way rules based on vehicle types and social status.
