Disneyland and Disney World are often referred to as the happiest places on earth. However, what goes on behind the scenes can sometimes be far from magical. Disney employees, or “cast members,” as they are called, have seen and experienced some truly insane things while working in the parks. In this article, we’ll be revealing some of the untold tales of Disney: the craziest, most unbelievable employee experiences that will leave you shocked and amazed.
People Asked to Change the Weather

It seems that a considerable number of individuals hold the belief that Disney parks are encompassed by a dome, and that the management possesses the ability to manipulate the weather conditions within it with the flick of a switch. On a rainy day, a park attendant was approached by an individual who requested that he “turn off the rain for a while,” while another visitor at the Magic Kingdom once asked a Disney employee to “close the dome.” The employee patiently clarified that the park was not protected by any kind of mystical dome, and that the visitor’s assumption of a human-controlled bubble was unfounded.